Pleasent a la carte table loge in the music room at Zithermusik
修道院传统精品菜:主菜小鲶鱼配白米饭和黄油炒蔬菜(€ 24.50)或无骨香炸鸡块配土豆和野苣菜沙拉(€ 24,50),甜品脆皮苹果配奶油、杏子果酱和香草冰激凌(€ 9.50),是老顾客最常点的菜。当然每日菜单中会有应季特色菜,如:春夏之交的芦笋、圣玛尔定节(11月11日)前后的玛尔定烤鹅。也是帶有素食特色菜的素食美味拼盤(菠菜蛋奶酥,馬鈴薯焗烤,松露玉米粥,印度香米和有機奶油蔬菜:西蘭花,大頭菜,嫩胡蘿蔔,豌豆)€21.50
维也纳传统精品菜:菜品主要是多瑙帝国和皇家时期的经典菜,如:精煮牛肉(€ 28,50)、维也纳炸小牛肉排(€ 28,50)、埃斯特哈齐特色红烧牛肉配面包丸子(€ 28,50)。
在弗兰茨·约瑟夫皇帝和伊丽莎白皇后结婚纪念日(1854年4月24日)160周年之际推出特色伊舍尔嫩烤羊背(€ 32.50)。
"周年菜单" 以修道院300年的历史为基础,从莫扎特生活的巴洛克时期,到皇帝夫妇160周年结婚纪念日的庆典菜肴,每道菜都再现维也纳帝国时期的历史菜肴。
Starter with venison specialities Potpourri of deer carpaccio, smoked wild breasts, homemade terrines, wild boar ham, gams salami, ...
Hofjagd speciality vom flightwatch € 32,50, deer filet € 38,50 und wild boar steak € 38,50
Rare wall decoration in the wine room:
"Wild Boar & Roebuck" Relief wooden table setting from the hunting lodge of the emperor
Courtyard hunting table on request for your special occasion
Photo "Wild boar & Roebuck" relief board from the hunting lodge of the emperor
Photo cutout from a courtyard hunting table in the Habsburger Weinstube - on reservation
Flair with a courtyard hunting table design with artifacts of the imperial house
The Kaiserschnaps a Calvados from the Kaisergarten Tadten
Jubilee menu from the baroque time
Mozart and Haydn anniversary menu
This jubilee year is a welcome opportunity for the Order’s own restaurant, the Piaristenkeller, to recreate the specialities mentioned by Mozart, as far as possible according to original recipes from imperial times. |