Comida y Bebida
Organizers & Events

Congenial celebrations or stylish banquets

Whether in the festively decorated Prelate Refectory or in the intimate vaults of the spacious Heraldic Hall ...

In Vienna's most beautiful monastery cellars, you can celebrate a special occasion like a local – but even event organizers will find the ideal ambience and suitable programmes for festive farewell evenings for their business meetings, conferences and congresses with international guests.

This is also an ideal venue for the celebration of important milestones in one's personal life, such as births, baptisms, engagements or weddings, or even the completion of one's vocational training or university studies. There are countless possibilities for the organization of celebrations in a congenial restaurant setting, and even for grand banquets in the Festival Hall or Prelate Refectory, or perhaps the Hapsburg wine chambers. Besides, the Piaristenkeller also offers a unique opportunity found nowhere else in Vienna: surprise your guests with an entertaining guided tour of the Hat Museum!

Stylish banqueting

Prelate Refectory / Festival Hall / Wedding Hall

Feste feiern im Prälatensaal, dem mit historischem, liebevoll restauriertem Klostermobiliar aus dunklem Eichenholz und mit Ölgemälden der Kunstsammlung "Kaiser Franz Joseph Privatstiftung" sowie mit original Bleiglasfenstern prächtig ausgestatteten Festsaal des Klosterkellers..Die Stadt Wien führt in diesem Saal standesamtliche Trauungen durch und hat den Piaristenkeller als "Traumhochzeitslocation" ausgewählt .Siehe hiezu auch das erste Bild auf dem seitlichen Illustrationsband und den Hochzeitsbereich auf dieser Website

Hold your celebration in the Prelate Refectory, furnished with lovingly restored historic dark oak furniture from the monastery and oil paintings from the art collection of the Emperor Franz Joseph Private Foundation, as well as the magnificently appointed Festival Hall of the monastery cellars with its original leaded-glass windows... The City of Vienna holds civil weddings in this hall, and has singled out the Piaristenkeller as one of its "dream wedding locations". See also the first picture of the illustration bar and the wedding area of this website.

Congenial celebrations

Heraldic Hall / Hapsburg Wine Chamber

Wappensaal mit großen Tafeln und gemütlichen Tischrunden in historischem Ambiente Ob zu Zweit -oder mit einer kleineren Tischrunde in der Musikstube  gut Essen oder in der Habsburger Weinstube  auf einer Tafel gemütlich feiern  in den weit verzweigten Gewölben des  gesamten Lokales  lassen sich Anlässe mit bis zu 300 Gästen mit einer angenehmen Atmosphere ausgestalten .Der Charme dieses Klosterkellers besteht zum großen Teil darin, so unvergänglich romantisch zu sein, wie dies nur in Jahrhunderten heranwachsen kann. 

The heraldic Hall can accommodate both large banquets and cosy table settings in a historic atmosphere. No matter whether you wish to dine in style – either just the two of you or a smaller group – in the Music Chamber or in the Hapsburg Wine Chamber, the extensive vaulted cellars of the Piaristenkeller Restaurant can cater to parties of up to 300 guests in marvellous surroundings. The charm of the monastery cellars is mainly due to the fact that they are as immortally romantic as they can become only with the passage of hundreds of years.

Tiny but tops

Imperial Chamber / Glass Museum

Hofkellerstüberl / VIP Tisch im Glasmuseum bis 12 festliche Gedecke als komplett separat betreuter "private room" (Exklusiv buchbar ab € 1.000 Mindestkonsumationswert)

The Imperial Chamber / VIP table in the Glass Museum can hold parties of up to 12 at a festively decked table in a completely separate private room (can be booked only for a minimum order value of EUR 1,000).


Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style
Photo Dining in style