Comida y Bebida
Organizers & Events

Coat of arms hall area

1. Music room à la carte restaurant

A la carte restaurant with individual position of the coat of arms hall divided with dividing elements and leaded glass windows between the music room and the Habsburg wine bar

Music room a la Carte restaurant area


Popular Lodges table No. 2

Prelate corridor with display cases & box tables

Coat of arms hall hall area sketch plan

A la Carte table setting
in sections

  • Music room 74 person
  • Wine room 84 person
  • Prelate´s passage 32 person

Beautiful display table in the
music room with up to 14 people

Coat of arms hall area

2. Habsburg Wine & Beer Bar for events up to 100 people 

3. Historical bar equipment

4. Festively set with a magnificent U-table

In the Habsburg wine bar of the coat of arms hall with iron wine lifters and crystal glass balloon

Prelate's Corridor with Display Cases & Lodge Tables

Overall table plan of the coat of arms hall with festive U-shaped table in the wine bar and a la carte table arrangement
in the remaining area of ​​the music room
as well as the prelate's corridor with the Lodge tables - see plan sketch above

5. Coat of arms hall area Totally exclusive Large dining room area with up to 187 people

Coat of arms hall area totally as a large event dining room exclusive booking

Coat of arms hall area with video screen and projector

Event capacity in this area Wappensaal including side boxes up to 187 people in different positions can be separated into the music room and wine room

Photo seen from the bar with exclusive booking of the entire room without subdivision

Prelate's Corridor with Display Cases & Lodge tables

Entire Coat of arms hall area

Large event plan sketch

with capacity for up to 187 people

Photo seen from the entrance with exclusive booking of the entire hall without subdivision

6. Coat of Arms Hall with dancing and large banquet table 


7. Classy marble washrooms and Duravit porcelain toilets