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K.u.K. Weinschatzkammer
Imperial wine-treasure vaults

Dans le « Chambre au trésor des vins KuK », une somptueuse Chambre au trésor dédiée à sa Majesté l’Impératrice Elisabeth I d’Autriche, des vins rares en provenance des états dépendant de la couronne et issus de trois siècles ainsi que le portrait de l’impératrice habillée de sa robe de voyage Madère de Horiwitz – « le plus beau portrait de ma mère » d’après l’inscription portée le 31.12.1898 dans le journal intime de la fille préférée de l’impératrice, l’archiduchesse Valérie – et des pièces de couvert personnelles y compris desmenus ayant appartenu aux deux majestés impériales ont été conservés et peuvent être contemplés.

Imperial Wine Treasury & culinary experience

In culinary complement to imperial collection to the Wine Museum, the restaurant kitchen offers specialties based on recipes of Viennese royal kitchen and gift wine bottles with  in the vinothek o the treasury as a reminder of the common evening

Popular place for memorial photo: Before the imperial painting in the treasury

Portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria on his favourite horse 1908.
This famous oil painting is signed and dated by Julius v. Blaas in 1909. It shows the emperor on his favorite horse in the highest campagne uniform of a field marshal in the maneuvering area. The portrait was made at the request of the Emperor with a richly carved gilded laurel leaf frame for the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the government, the emperor Julius Blaas commissioned this painting to be designed to decorate the two court museums.

Today this work is a permanent loan from the Kunstsammlung Emperor Franz Joseph private foundation for the K.u.K. Wine museum. Exhibited as a supporting main picture in the pruning room of K.u.K. Wine treasury in the listed 300-year-old monastery vault of the Piarist monastery in Vienna's Josefstadt.

Julius von Blaas is the son of the Knight of Blaas and became one of the most important horse sculptors of his time as the spur of the artistically most potent painter dynasty of the country. * August 22, 1845 Albano Laziale near Rome, August 11, 1922 Bad Hall, Upper Austria, studied in Venice, Florence and Rome. The main focus was on animal painting (especially horses). As a court painter and professor at the Academy of Fine Arts he created famous portraits of Franz Joseph I, Empress Elisabeth and members of the Hochadels.

Wines of the Prusarium Room of the Wine Museum
In the K.u.K. Restaurant Piarist's cellar

The Wine Safe subjects in the vault of the Wine Treasury

A view to tasting corner in the vault

  • The following treasures - as a permanent loan from the Kunstsammlung Kaiser Franz Joseph Privatstiftung - are exhibited and kept in the "K.u.K. wine tresory", a wine cellar dedicated to their Majesty the Empress Elisabeth I of Austria and sumptuously equipped.
  • Three centuries of vintages are the main focus of the collection of the Hungarian Kronland and the treasures of Madeira - as they were brought to the Viennese court by the empress's stays for the gala dinners.
  • Full body portrait of the Empress in the Madeira travel dress by the court painter Horowitz 1898 - according to the diary entry of the favorite daughter of the Empress, Archduchess Valerie "of the 31.12.1898 as the most beautiful picture of my mother" was selected.
  • Tableware from the private possession of the Empress Sisi from her palace in Corfu, which is derived from SKKH Dr.Geza Habsburg Lorraine a direct successor of the Hungarian line - together with original menu cards of the imperial house with the dishes of the Hofküchenspezialitäten as they were on too big occasions.

The main focus of the wine collection is mainly dessert wines from the crownlands of the monarchy - especially the Tokaj and Madeira wines - which were preferred and appreciated by Empress Elisabeth - which were served at the Viennese Court as banquets, hunting emperors, but also family traditions.
In particular, the great vintages of the Madeira wines from 1795 to 1916 (also some bottles of the Empress Elisabeth's birth year 1837) and, finally, rare Tokaj wines, which can only be seen today in the Tokaj Museum.

View to the tasting corner in the vault room

EU Commissioner for Agriculture Mr. Dr. Franz Fischler when removing a bottle of Madeira Antiquaren 1837 - the year of birth of Empress Elisabeth - on the occasion of the solemnity and tasting for EU enlargement.

Tasting on the occasion of the EU enlargement - A political climax in Europe with wine tasting at Piaristenkeller Winemuseeum
Under the direction of the highest-ranking representatives of wine in Europe - Mr. EU Kommisär of Agriculture Dr. Franz Fischler and Senator Dr. Alfons Rene Haiden has the chivalrous Senate of the European Wine Knighthood under the motto "Wine - Culture Präger in Europe", invited the  ambassadors of the new Candidate countries  of europa   for a  Accreditation and chivalrous Round Table and  a tasting in the imperial Wine Treasury locaded at restaurant piaristenkeller .
The tasting took place with the year of birth of Her Majesty Empress Elisabeth Madeira Wine in 1837 and the 50.Priest anniversary wine of Pope John Paul II.   At the start and execution of the ceremony was a Mass in the Baroque Basilica Maria Treu of the Piarist monastery.
In preparation for
the big EU event of the Senate solid wine was baptized and blessed by Father Paterno. The presentation and signing of the art of etiquette self-portraits by Professor Ernst Fuchs: "I as Emperor of Austria" is made by the artist himself.

Prof. Ernst Fuchs and Comm Council Emberger at the labels signature: self-portrait I as Emperor of Austria

Prof. Dr. Anton Zeilinger - Quantum physicist during the visit of the Emperor Franz Joseph Hutmuseum and the K.u.K.
Wine treasury in the Piaristenkeller

Prof. Dr. Zeilinger is known as "Einstein" and Mr. Beam of our time and is the holder of the following awards and titles:

  • Honorary title of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University of Gdansk
  • Honorary professor, University of Science and Technology of China
  • Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, the German Academy of NaturalScientists Leopoldina, Berlin-Brandenburg, the Austrian and Slovak Academies of Science, the European Academy ofSciences and Arts, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Paris Académie des sciences
  • Fellow, American Physical Society and American Association for the Advancement of Science

    "Mr. Beam has proved - there is a spiritual world outside material existence". Commentary on this grand statement: The charm of the Viennese imperial age and its imposing hat-bearers is just as immortal and real.

Famous artifacts from the wine treasury:

The original painting of the Empress Elisabeth of Austria

A whole body portrait of the Empress in the Madeira travel dress from court painter Horowitz 1898

Was sold to the Schönbrunn Palace on 29 March 2017 by the Kunstsammlung Kaiser Franz Joseph Privatstiftung.

 Panorama pictures in the vault room of the K.u.K.Weinschatzkammer with the life-size original Sisi Paintings of the art collection Emperor Franz Joseph Privatstiftung, which was bought and picked up by Schönbrunn on 29.3.2017.

Archduchess Marie Valerie wrote in her diary on 31 December 1898.
The artist himself wrote about his portrait of Sisi completed in 1899:

In a black dress without any signs of representation, with the hair crown instead of the real crown - this was the way in which Elisabeth portrayed herself in public.

This portrait mirrors the true myth of her majestic beauty - but also the spiritual condition of the Empress after the tragic death of her only son Rudolf. This is evident in her eyes.

It is probably the most sensitive painting of her true personality that an artist could ever create.

The painting was commissioned by Emperor Franz Joseph personally and later bequeathed to Countess Maria Theresia of Harrach, born Princess of Thurn und Taxis. Today it is the attraction of the Wine Treasure Vaults in Vienna.

"On the instructions of His Majesty a studio in the Imperial Palace was set up for me in order to complete the oil painting so that I could more easily seek the advice of the Emperor.

As soon as I believed I had made some progress in the development of the painting or I was unsure, the comments of the Emperor encouraged me and enlightened me.

His advice was given to me in such a tactful way that the freedom of my intuition was never under pressure or in question.
Only with regard to the age in which I should portray the Empress did the Emperor express one particular desire. It should not be youth but the time in which old age is approaching while still reminding those who would see it of her former beauty.

On the day that I felt that I had achieved the deciding touch in the work the emperor agreed with me and was overjoyed saying "But now you must not touch it anymore!"




The Majestically Pacing Empress 
Statuette of Empress Elisabeth 1887
Sculptor Hermann Klotz (1850 - 1937)
Biscuit-porcelain figure, A. Förster, Porcelain Manufactory
Stamp of the state archives on the base
This sensitive interpretation of the majestically pacing Empress was well received and appreciated and was formed in life-size for the Budapest Elisabeth church as well as for the entrance hall of the office of the federal president in Vienna's Hofburg Palace.

This original piece goes together with a statuette of the Emperor and is a permanent exhibit of the Emperor Franz Joseph Hat Museum in the Imperial and Royal Restaurant Piaristenkeller in Vienna.

  • Special exhibition "Elisabeth of Austria"
    Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien
  • 1991Habsburg Exhibition in Tokio
  • 1998/9 Sisi Exhibition "Elisabeth - Beauty for Eternity", Schönbrunn Palace
  • 2000/1 Exhibition "The Emperor's expensive clothes"
    City of Mannheim in Germany

A further sample of this statue by Hermann Klotz is to be found in Empress Elisabeth’s large drawing room of the Imperial Palace in Vienna.  a seven-year-old girl
Sisi's bust around 1845
by Anton D. Fernkorn (1813 - 1878)
Painted copy of the original

The young artist excellently understood how to inspire the bust, with the fragile, nature and pet loving character of the girl, but also the already maturing self-confidence of the later Empress at her home, Possenhofen Palace.

Anton D. Fernkorn became famous at court through his horseman-statues on Vienna’s Heldenplatz. The original of the bust is permanently exhibited in the former bedroom of the young Imperial couple in the Vienna Hofburg Palace.

The vinothèque of the imperial Wine Treasury

Take a perfect little gift from your  visit in  Vienna

In the vinothèque of the imperial Wine Treasury you can obtain not only award-winning Austrian dessert wines, but also collectors' items from the treasury, outstanding vintages from the present day, as well as imperial fruit brandies in gift bottles. On request, these gifts can be given an extremely personal touch thanks to the possibility of applying decorative imperial labels complete with dedications or portrait photos.

Gift Wine Bottles with Portrait Labels from the guests

 A perfect little present for that special occasion


Weinetiketten für den höchstpersönlichen Anlass

 Imperial wine treasure vaults

Gift Wine Bottles with Portrait or Event Labels

As an attractive gift idea, the imperial and royal portrait labels are designed for promoters, by request using the snapshots obtained by the guests from the "hat and wine parade" and "Cercle diplomatique" reportage - together with a special dedication by the host - or with his portrait and company logo. The perfect way to surprise your guests with a small, individualised present and a souvenir of the evening spent together.

A perfect little present for that special occasion with friends or family as well!

Price on request


Imperial culinary experience in the Piaristenkeller Restaurant

Last but not least  - Round out a visit to the Imperial Wine TreasuryClick to enlarge!

To round out our visitors' impressions of the life and spirit of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, we also display the imperial family's original tableware and menus in the showcases in the safe room of the Wine Treasury. Then put the finishing touch to your tour when the restaurant kitchens prepare the favourite dishes of the imperial family according to the original recipes dating from the Danube Monarchy.

The different menus available at this event restaurant include some of the culinary specialities served at state banquets thrown by the emperor and empress, and even dishes personally selected by the monarch himself for intimate family dinners.

The highlights of these historic imperial culinary events included the grand banquet on 6 June 1867 on the occasion of Elisabeth's coronation as Queen of Hungary and the festive dîner to mark the silver wedding anniversary of the imperial couple on 24 April 1879. Some of these dishes were incorporated in the programme of the restaurant's historic gala dinner to commemorate the 160th anniversary of the imperial couple on 24 April 2014.

Personalized historic gala dîner

The scope of the kitchens in the monastery cellars is demonstrated by the fact that – in keeping with the atmosphere if the establishment and the two museums belonging to the restaurant – it is also in a position to offer an "imperial culinary experience". For this purpose, historic dishes from the menus served at the Vienna court on special occasions and meals selected by the monarch for intimate family déjeuners can be put together individually for your very own personal gala dinner.

Stylish banqueting at the Festival Hall - Prelate Refectory

with original decoration of Empress Sisi's very own personal tableware from her palace in Corfu wich  was used on important occasions together with original menu cards of the imperial family with specialities from the palace kitchens.(Price on witten request )Gala - Arangement  - only on in written request . Minimum Value - Flat rate up from  € 7,500 including room hire for exclusive booking  - with up to 30 people .

The original porcelain and glass service from Achilleion in Corfu from the private possession of Empress Elisabeth

was sold to the Schönbrunn Palace on 29 March 2017 by the Kunstsammlung Kaiser Franz Joseph Privatstiftung.

Kaisertafel in the Festsaal in the K.u.K. Restaurant Piaristenkeller decorated with original glass service of the Viennese Court

Menu sequence from large imperial diner in the K.u.K. Restaurant Piaristenkeller cooked according to old recipes.

—— Potage ——
Barley broth
Creme d'orge

1st course at His Majesty's table on 2 June 1873 on the occasion of the international exposition in Vienna
in the presence of the imperial couple and the Russian Tsar as well as the couple who were heirs to the throne,
Leopold II, King of the Belgians with numerous other distinguished guests and VIPs in Schönbrunn summer palace.
Electric light shone from the tops of the Imperial and Royal summer palace for the first time and lit up the jets of water
and bubbling cascades of the fountains.

Small vol-au-vents
Petites croustades au salpicon

2nd course of the gala dinner on the occasion of the unveiling of the Maria Theresa monument by the sculptor,
Anton Fernkorn between the two royal museums (15 May) 1888 in the presence of the Emperor and
Empress and crown prince Rudolf.

—— Relevée ——
Saddle of lamb with spring vegetables
Selle dàgneau renaissance

3rd course of the gala dinner of 21October 1911, the wedding banquet of the last Austrian Emperor Karl I
and his wife Zita Madame la Princesse Zite de Bourbon and Princesse de Parme,
in Schwarzau palace in Steinfeld (Lower Austria)

—— Entrée ——
Truffled young capon in Madeira sauce
Jeunes chapous truffes a la Perigueux

Entrée for the gala dinner in the Viennese Hofburg (Imperial Palace) on 1 May 1873 on the occasion
of the inauguration of the international exposition in Vienna with 165 sovereigns, princes, diplomats and
aristocrats from all over the world who were accommodated in the recently opened Hotel Imperial
by the Emperor in keeping with their station.

—— Rôts ——
Roast loin of venison, lettuce, redcurrants
Rein de chevreuil, salade, groseilles

2nd traditional main course: for the public dinner on the occasion of the coronation of
Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth in Ofen on 8 June 1867 Sisi's burning ambition:
coronation of both her husband and herself in Budapest.

—— Dessert ——
Walnut and honey parfait with caramelised fruits
Demi-glace royal

Dessert for the family table on the occasion of the 80th birthday of the Emperor Franz Joseph on 1 August 1910

—— Fromage ——
Gorgonzola cheese
Fromage de Gorgonzola

Cheese for His Majesty's table on the occasion of the silver wedding of
the imperial couple on 24 April 1879



Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer
Photo Weinschatzkammer